Fill out the form below if you are interested in volunteering and someone will contact you.
Thank you for your willingness to serve.
Ways you can partner with HUMC to serve the Highlands Community
Food Pantry
Anyone in need, either temporarily or regularly, may visit the Pantry on Mondays from 3:30 - 5:30pm. Volunteers needed on Mondays to staff the pantry. Donations are also needed regularly. Items most needed: rice, canned fruit, black beans, juices, tomato products, and bread. You may bring your donations to the church office.
Community Table
Join us each Tuesday at 6pm for dinner! There is a free community wide meal at the Community Center every Tuesday. Various groups volunteer to help prepare a meal, serve, or clean up. If you would like to help contact Kristy Lewis.
Camp Grace
Camp Grace is a camp for adults with special needs. Volunteers, or special friends, provide a helping hand during the weekend. Volunteers are assigned a camper with developmental disabilities with whom they share in all the activities of camp. Just as their name suggests, Special Friends are week-end companions who provide care and encouragement while expressing Christian love. 18 yr. old minimum.
Nail Benders
Meet on an as needed basis. Nail Benders is a group of men, women, children, and youth, who meet at our church to go paint, build, clean, and landscape for those in our community who need help. If you want to get involved call the church for more info.
Emergency Expense Fund
Donate to support our emergency expense fund. When people in our community are struggling to make ends meet we provide temporary financial support by paying pharmacy, gas and electric bills.
Life Challenge
Life Challenge is a Christian program which serves as a residential center for those seeking assistance in overcoming addiction. HUMC collects clothes and other household items to be sold at their thrift store. Contact the church office if you are interested in getting connected with this ministry.
Baby Bottle Campaign
Fill a baby bottle with your spare change and help support the Pregnancy Care Center. Talk to Victoria Clark for more information.